Using technology to improve the management of development impacts on biodiversit

Thomas B. White,Leonardo R. Viana,Geneviève Campbell,Claire Elverum,Leon A. Bennun

The mitigation hierarchy (MH) is a prominent tool to help businesses achieve no net loss or net gain outcomes for biodiversity. Technological innovations offer benefits for business biodiversity management, yet the range and continued evolution of technologies creates a complex landscape that can be difficult to navigate. Using literature review, online surveys, and semi-structured interviews, we assess technologies that can improve application of the MH. We identify six categories (mobile survey, fixed survey, remote sensing, blockchain, data analysis, and enabling technologies) with high feasibility and/or relevance to (i) aid direct implementation of mitigation measures and (ii) enhance biodiversity surveys and monitoring, which feed into the design of interventions including avoidance and minimization measures. At the interface between development and biodiversity impacts, opportunities lie in businesses investing in technologies, capitalizing on synergies between technology groups, collaborating with conservation organizations to enhance institutional capacity, and developing practical solutions suited for widespread use.

White, T. B., Viana, L. R., Campbell, G., Elverum, C., & Bennun, L. A. (2021). Using technology to improve the management of development impacts on biodiversity. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30( 8), 3502– 3516.

Journal article
Using technology to improve the management of development impacts on biodiversit

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